Is your marriage on the edge of breaking? Discover 10 essential ways to safeguard it before it’s too late

Matrimony is a strong connection that weaves the disparate strands of two distinct people into a common life path. Both spouses must be dedicated to and committed to one another for a great marriage. It may be emotionally taxing to raise children, manage money, maintain a good work-life balance, and engage with other families and partnerships. When marital issues do develop, it’s critical to address them promptly and skillfully if you want to keep your relationship with your husband intact. If you want to have a successful relationship, you will have to put in some work and take initiative. Maintaining and enhancing the foundations of your marriage requires a positive attitude, which is necessary for a successful and long-lasting married life. (Also read: 8 relationship tendencies that prevent you from drawing a healthy partner from Unlocking Love.

In a recent Instagram post, relationship expert and marriage coach Amanda Twiggs offered 10 practical strategies to protect your marriage before it’s too late.

1. Don’t hide anything: Honesty and transparency are prerequisites for trust. Don’t leave anything out to “protect them”; instead, be honest with your relationship. Even if it hurts, they want the truth.

2. Be faithful: Support your partner. Prioritize them above everyone else. Talk well of them and stand by them at all times.

3. Avoid having friends of the other sex: While friendships with other couples are OK, use caution while interacting with friends of the other sex in particular. Relying on someone else for emotional support or happiness instead of your partner might quickly result in an affair.

4. Talk positively about your partner: To them directly as well as to others. Why are you with someone you have such little regard for if you don’t think highly enough of your spouse to talk well about them?

5. Be responsible: Inform each other of your location and activities. Recall that respect, not control, is the key.

6. Assume financial responsibility: Remain stress-free by never going over your income and by never making your spouse feel as if they have to take care of you financially.

7. Ask for what you need and want: If your needs aren’t addressed in the relationship, you’re more inclined to search for them elsewhere. Your spouse can’t read your thoughts.

8. Maintain the spark: Don’t merely be housemates; continue to be soulmates. Continue dating, make out, hold hands, and engage in sexual activity.

9. Express regret quickly and readily: Own up to your share of the fault and mend fences when they break between you.

10. Communicate: Open communication is essential to healthy partnerships. Conversations in person are usually preferable to emails or messages.

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