Compared to previous generations, Indian Gen Z spends 73% more time mastering AI abilities

According to a recent survey released on Tuesday, Gen Z professionals in India are 73% more interested in learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities than their older counterparts and are willing to put in more time to do so.

Global professional networking site LinkedIn reports that Gen Z is spending 2.4 times more time than Baby Boomers and 1.3 times more than Gen X.

Ashutosh Gupta, Country Manager, LinkedIn India, said that “upskilling is no longer just an option, it’s imperative, with a renewed focus on cultivating vital human skills like leadership and problem-solving to harness AI’s full potential.”

According to the data, there was a significant 70% increase in AI talks worldwide between December 2022 and September 2023.

In India, different generations of learners have different favored skills: Millennials and Gen X are investing in soft skills like leadership and management, personal effectiveness, and personal development, while Gen Z is studying technology skills like programming languages, cloud computing, and data analysis.

Professionals may now concentrate on more important and creative work that calls for soft talents that only humans possess, while AI takes over repetitive chores.

According to the survey, IT professionals in APAC who have acquired one or more soft skills in addition to hard skills see a promotion rate that is over 13% quicker than that of workers with just hard skills.

The most sought-after soft skills in India for AI and AI-related job listings are sales, analysis, and communication.

Advances in generative AI are expanding the possibilities for hybrid work environments by providing a tremendous chance to dismantle barriers across cultures, regions, and sectors.

Organizations are already adapting to the need for flexibility; according to the research, the percentage of hybrid job postings in India increased from 13.2% in August 2022 to 20.1% in August 2023.