State governments may provide Tesla with incentives; the Union government is not currently considering any. Sources

Although states are allowed to provide concessions to the US-based electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla, sources claimed that the union government is not currently intending to extend any specially designed incentives to the firm.

They said that given their long-term interest in India, the firm is talking about establishing a whole supply chain.

Last month, business executives travelled to the nation and met with members from many branches of the government, including the ministry of commerce and industry.

“We have been quite explicit in saying that imports are not what we like…The corporation is making large claims about fully integrated supply chains, according to one of the authorised sources.

When questioned about providing incentives to the businesses, they replied, “At this time, the government is not considering any targeted incentives. The issue with states is different. States may compete with one another and get concessions from others.

The American manufacturer of electric cars (EVs) asked India to lower import taxes on EVs in 2021.

Currently, the customs tax on automobiles imported as fully built units (CBUs) ranges from 60% to 100%, depending on the engine size and price, insurance and freight (CIF) worth below or over USD 40,000.

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