This New iOS 17 Feature Can Help Lower Eye Strain: This Is How

Apple, a US-based technology giant, has unveiled iOS 17, which includes a number of intriguing changes and features. The Screen Distance function is among the most intriguing features. When you hold an iPhone too closely to your eyes for a lengthy period of time, this function may warn you.

According to MacRumors, the opt-in function is intended to minimize children’s chance of developing nearsightedness by promoting good viewing habits and may generally assist reduce eye strain. Screen Distance is available on all iPhone models with Face ID and can be enabled in the Settings app under Screen Time > Screen Distance.

The function measures the distance between the screen and your eyes using the same TrueDepth camera that enables Face ID. After holding the smartphone closer to their eyes than 12 inches for a prolonged length of time, a full-screen notice advises users to move their device further away.

Once activated, users will sometimes get a warning that reads “iPhone is Too Close.” Users may hit the “Continue” button after a checkmark appears on the screen to move the iPhone to a safe distance.

Later this year, iOS 17 will be made generally accessible, but individuals with Apple developer accounts may now test it out in beta. Screen Distance is compatible with iPhone XS and later devices. At any moment, the function may be activated or deactivated.

The iPhone manufacturer has also made a substantial improvement to the App Store app with the most recent iOS 17, which notifies users of the anticipated length of software downloads once they begin. The time left for the download to finish is shown in minutes and seconds when you hit the “Get” button in an app listing on the iOS 17 App Store and the circular download symbol displays.




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