Viral WhatsApp Forward Blocked by PIB, Which Alleges Indian Government Is Reading Your Private Chats

Recently, a message went viral alleging that the Indian government reads its people’ WhatsApp messages in order to spy on them. The fact-checking organization PIBFactCheck has stated that the government is not acting in this manner, nevertheless.

The message claims that a new directive from the Indian government permits it to read people’s private chats on WhatsApp, violating their right to privacy and perhaps subjecting them to punishment.

Claim: The Indian government has published a new WhatsApp policy that enables talks to be monitored and users to be penalized.

To clarify, the PIBFactCheck has responded by stating that the statement is false and that “the Government has not released such a guideline.”

The deceivers who created the false message even included fake WhatsApp indicators, which falsely claimed that receiving two blue ticks and one red tick as a read receipt would put you at risk of action by the Indian government, and similarly, if you receive three red ticks, that means the Indian government has taken action against you and you will be called to court. But as to be anticipated, there is no such thing, and these are false statements produced by the miscreants.

For those who are unaware, WhatsApp provides end-to-end encryption to its users, meaning that neither WhatsApp itself nor the government can read the communications that users transmit.

Furthermore, it has long been known that WhatsApp exclusively employs grey or blue ticks to denote a message’s state. Two blue ticks mean the receiver has read your message, two grey ticks mean it has been delivered but not yet been read, and one grey tick means it has been sent from your end but has not yet been received.

For a very long time, fake WhatsApp forwards have been a concern for both the network and its users. Deepfake communications to deceive individuals and fake forwards concerning items like COVID vaccinations have grown more prevalent recently. Prior to sending a message or believing it yourself, it is always good to be aware of this and to always confirm information with trustworthy sources.


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