Simaran Kaur: Being a part of the festive season makes me feel blessed since it’s a time of positivity, love, and tradition

Ganesh Chaturthi, Navratri, Durga Puja, Dussehra, Karwa Chauth, and now Dhanteras and Diwali marked the beginning of the festive season. Every city has a distinct, happy mood and environment. Simaran Kaur is taking in all of the joy and festivities that are taking on around. The actress from “Tose Naina Milaike” expresses her excitement.
The enthusiasm is increased by the fact that each city celebrates in a unique fashion, which is the finest part. As an actor, I find it to be a very exciting time since these festivals often serve as the inspiration for poignant and lovely plots in the plays and movies I work on. As we all celebrate together, it’s a moment when I get to engage with the audience more deeply. I can’t help but feel fortunate to be a part of the Christmas season, which is often a time of happiness, love, and tradition, she adds.
The actor feels upbeat and energized throughout the holiday season. It feels like a happy explosion in my life. It increases my grin and sense of gratitude. I like the way it unites people,” she continues.
It’s essential to have nice company at festivals. She continues, “It is ideal to participate in many festivals’ distinctive traditions and rituals with those who recognize and value them. These customs may be improved and given more significance by excellent companionship. Diwali is my favorite holiday. It is a celebration of lights, joy, and community, which is why I adore it. All the brilliant decorations, lovely lighting, and vibrant rangoli patterns add to the overall lovely appearance. In addition, I get to consume delectable treats, spend time with my family, and exchange presents,” she adds.
Festival planning was more elaborate in the past, but now days we enjoy them immediately, and gift-giving customs and social gatherings have also evolved. These days, we send each other SMS instead of calling.
She says, “I think there’s been a shift in the way we celebrate festivals,” in agreement. We used to prepare for festivals a long time in advance. We would excitedly get ready for weeks at a time. We celebrate on the spur of the moment, and giving has changed as well, with online and digital gift cards growing in popularity. The spirit of the holidays and the love and warmth we share have not altered, despite the manner we celebrate. It’s critical to change with the times while holding onto the fundamental principles and customs that define what makes festivals unique. Thus, even if we’re changing, the essence of the holidays endures.

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