A pharmacist promptly administers CPR, rescuing the life of a street vendor

In a remarkable demonstration of quick wit and medical acumen, Rajesh Thakur, a pharmacist specializing in Ayurvedic medicine at the Ayush Health and Wellness Centre in Panog of Shillai subdivision, orchestrated the rescue of a hawker, Binda Hasan, who succumbed to a heart attack in a public setting.

Binda Hasan, hailing from Shamli, Uttar Pradesh, had disembarked from a bus at Panog after a day’s toil when he suddenly collapsed on the thoroughfare, evidently due to cardiac distress.

With alacrity, bystanders summoned aid from the Ayurvedic healthcare center at Panog for immediate intervention.

Rajesh Thakur promptly arrived at the scene accompanied by his colleague Yash Pojta.

Recognizing the telltale signs of a cardiac event, Rajesh promptly administered Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to Hasan. Thakur’s timely intervention proved instrumental in reviving Hasan, subsequent to which emergency pharmacotherapy was expeditiously dispensed.

Discerning that Hasan necessitated urgent medical attention surpassing the capabilities of local amenities, Thakur and Pojta facilitated his transfer to a tertiary care facility, financing the endeavor out of their own pockets.

Upon apprising Hasan’s kinfolk in Uttar Pradesh, he was admitted to the prestigious Govind Ballabh Pant Hospital in Delhi. Medical specialists at the institution conducted a battery of diagnostic evaluations, including an Electrocardiogram (ECG), confirming Hasan’s ordeal of enduring two myocardial infarctions.

Healthcare practitioners ascribe the expeditious CPR rendered by the Ayurvedic pharmacists for salvaging Hasan’s life, affirming that sans immediate intervention, the denouement could have been dire.

The denizens of the locale extol Rajesh Thakur and Yash Pojta for their timely intervention, which proved pivotal in salvaging Hasan’s existence.

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