Do not take amla since it is “poison” for these five individuals because it is sodium-rich

The Indian gooseberry, commonly known as amla, is praised for its many health advantages. It has been a mainstay in conventional Ayurvedic treatment for ages since it is rich in vitamin C and a variety of antioxidants. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that although amla may be a nutritional powerhouse for the majority of people, it might not be appropriate for everyone. People who have special medical issues in particular should use care while ingesting amla. This article will examine the possible negative effects of amla and list the five categories of persons who should use it with caution.

1. Hypertensive people, be careful

Amla is well known for having a lot of salt. Even though sodium is a necessary mineral, eating too much of it may increase blood pressure or aggravate pre-existing hypertension. It is recommended to reduce your amla intake if you have high blood pressure.

2. Diabetics Must Watch Their Consumption

Amla has a low glycemic index and, in certain circumstances, may help control blood sugar levels. Consuming a lot of amla, though, might cause your blood sugar to drop too low if you have diabetes and are on medicine to regulate it. Before include amla in your diet, always keep an eye on your blood sugar levels and speak with your doctor.

3. People with kidney stones: Exercise Caution

Oxalates, which are abundant in amla, may help vulnerable people develop kidney stones. Limit your consumption of amla and get advice from a healthcare provider if you had kidney stones in the past or are at risk for developing them.

(4) Digestive Sensitivity

When ingesting amla, particularly in big doses, some individuals may develop gastrointestinal discomfort, such as diarrhea or stomach cramps. Consider beginning with tiny doses of amla and gradually increasing your consumption to determine your tolerance if you have a sensitive stomach.

5. Reactions to Allergens

Amla allergies are uncommon but not unheard of. You must get medical help right away if you have symptoms like hives, swelling, itching, or trouble breathing after taking amla. They could indicate an allergic response. Amla is a multipurpose, healthy fruit that provides a wide range of health advantages. However, if you fall into one of the aforementioned groups, it’s important to be aware of its possible adverse effects and use care. Before adding amla to your diet on a regular basis, it is advised to speak with a healthcare provider or a qualified nutritionist.


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