Know the causes, symptoms, and remedies of black jaundice before Haryanvi singer Raju Punjabi passes away from it

Black jaundice, a fatal disease, claimed the life of renowned Haryanvi vocalist Raju Punjabi. He had been unwell for a very long time, which caused damage to his liver as well. The sickness immediately resurfaced while he was undergoing therapy, necessitating a second hospital hospitalization.

According to a statement from Dr. Vivek Bansal, Raju was first hospitalized to the hospital for a liver condition but was subsequently readmitted due to deteriorating health. He had a damaged liver, and the water that entered his lungs and chest caused him to drown.

What You Need To Know About Jaundice

Black jaundice may develop in people or patients who already have it or who haven’t gotten the right treatment. More information on the causes of black jaundice was offered by Dr. Tribhuvan Gulati of the CK Birla Hospital in Delhi, who also noted that people with hepatitis B or C typically disregard the disease.

Additionally, a gall bladder stone can possibly be the culprit. Black jaundice may also be a side effect of gallbladder cancer because it interferes with bilirubin flow or prevents it from reaching the intestines. Jaundice subsequently worsens and finally becomes black as a consequence.

How Can Black Jaundice Be Prevented?

Let’s go through black jaundice’s signs and symptoms as well as ways to avoid it. According to Dr. Tribhuvan Gulati, hepatitis B or C is what causes jaundice and may be spread by blood transfusions, the use of contaminated needles, or by infected people themselves. The probability of getting black jaundice increases since it is sexually transmitted.

Gallbladder stones may also raise the risk of developing dark jaundice, thus an ultrasound should be done every few days. The doctor claims that black jaundice is a symptom and not an illness in and of itself. If a person is careful and gets the necessary treatment, black jaundice may be effectively cured.

Body Changes Following Black Jaundice

Following the onset of black jaundice, the body starts to change in many ways. Dr. Gulati went on to elaborate, saying that in the case of black jaundice, the body initially becomes yellow. If they are not treated quickly, black patches start to appear on the body. Also starting to darken is the skin.

What Indicates Black Jaundice Is Present?

The body starts to become paler and the skin starts to darken.
In this condition, the person’s eyes begin to become yellow.
Palms and fingernails also become yellow, as does the urine.
On sometimes, people’s stomachs and feet may be filled with water.
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