There are five foods you should never refrigerate

Food preservation is a crucial step in preparing and storing food in a manner that prevents food from spoiling, preserves its nutritional content, texture, and flavor, and reduces the risk of food-borne diseases. The refrigeration of food is one of the most popular methods of food preservation. It aids in sluggishing biological and chemical activities that might degrade food quality. Foods like fruits, vegetables, and many more are often brought home from the market and kept in the refrigerator for later use. Not all food products, however, should be kept in the fridge since the freezing temperatures might cause them to lose their flavor, quality, color, and texture. The following list of foodstuffs should not be kept in the refrigerator.

  1. onion

Unpeeled onions shouldn’t be kept in the refrigerator since they have a propensity to absorb moisture quickly. Onions’ flavor, color, and quality may all suffer from too much moisture exposure. The National Onion Association states that onions should be stored at a temperature between 45 and 55 °F.

2. Herbs

Fresh herbs like mint, parsley, basil, and others should not be kept in the refrigerator since they rapidly wilt when cold. To prevent oxygen from penetrating their leaves, it is usually preferable to store herbs in a container that is well sealed. While you may put a container in the refrigerator to preserve hard herbs like oregano, rosemary, or thyme.

3. tomatoes

Always avoid putting tomatoes in the refrigerator since the cold temperatures will prevent them from ripening and will affect their texture, flavor, and color. They contain enzymes that respond to cold temperatures, causing cell membranes to dissolve and become mushy.

4. Bread

We often keep the packets of bread we purchase in our refrigerators. However, this approach has the potential to degrade food quality and make it harmful for our bodies. Before putting bread in the refrigerator, according to specialists in food safety, there are a number of things to consider. The starch in the bread recrystallizes and becomes dry due to the cold temperature of the refrigerator, giving it a stale flavor and texture.

5. Nuts

Nuts are another food that you shouldn’t keep in your refrigerator. Nuts are a great source of important nutrients, including fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, potassium, and many more that support a healthy body. When stored at freezing temperatures, the nuts may lose their natural oil and may also pick up odors from the refrigerator.

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