A $5 million lawsuit is filed by a Florida lady against Hershey’s

A Florida lady is suing The Hershey Company for $5 million, claiming that the packaging of Reese’s seasonal-shaped chocolates is “misleading.”

Tampa resident Cynthia Kelly claims that the well-known chocolate manufacturer “tricked” consumers by using pictures on the package that didn’t correspond to the real form of the sweets.

The action, which was submitted to the Middle District Court of Florida, claims that the football shape looks more like an egg and that the pumpkin-shaped chocolate lacks the carved eyes and mouth that are shown on the packaging.

The complaint claimed that “many consumers have been tricked and misled by the pictures on the Products’ packaging” and that “Hershey’s labels for the Products are materially misleading.”

There were not any “artistic carvings” in the box.
Kelly states that she paid $4.49 for pumpkin-shaped sweets at Aldi, believing them to be as adorable as the product packaging’s depiction of a pumpkin’s mouth and eyes. If she had realized that the snack-sized Reese’s did not contain the carved face, she claims she would not have purchased them.

The complaint said that the plaintiff’s “Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins product did not contain any of the artistic carvings of the mouth or eyes as pictured on the label.”

Other seasonal forms that are included in the case include footballs, bats, ghosts, snowmen, and bells, some of which were captured in photos. Reese’s packaging, according to Kelly, was once “accurate,” and “two to three years” ago, the items had faces and resembled the pictures on the box.

Kelly also cites a number of YouTube videos in which the makers claim that Reese’s has been “lying” to them and “failing” to deliver.

“All consumers within the State of Florida who purchased one of the products” will be covered by the class action lawsuit.

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