According to polls, Robert Kennedy Jr. is gaining ground on President Joe Biden for the 2024 Democratic candidature

Robert Kennedy Jr. is currently leading President Joe Biden in a new survey conducted by the Economist and YouGov for the 2024 Democratic candidature. Of all the candidates, Robert currently has the most positive endorsements. Although Joe had been the favourites, if the primary season’s first two contests are held in Iowa and New Hampshire, Joe may not win.

According to an email from Robert’s campaign, “This most recent poll is sending shockwaves among the political class in Washington DC.” Kennedy is regarded positively by 49 percent of those questioned after less than two months in the race, compared to Biden’s 45 percent and Trump’s 43 percent.

According to the survey, Robert was seen positively by 30% of participants and negatively by 49% of respondents. He outperformed all other candidates in the survey with a net rating of 19, which is 19 points. 1,500 adults were allegedly questioned by the poll between June 10 and June 13.

According to the survey, 52% of participants had a moderately negative or extremely negative opinion of Joe. 45 percent of people had a favourable opinion of him. In addition, although just 43% thought favourably of former President Donald Trump, 53% did.

The email states, “These are amazing results, but they confirm what many of us already know.” Millions of Americans, like you, are weary of Washington, DC’s constant censorship, divisiveness, and misinformation.

But they are no longer able to ignore us. We get more requests every day for Mr. Kennedy to give speeches around the nation, and he was just on Joe Rogan’s podcast, which has a monthly audience of hundreds of millions of listeners, the statement continues.

On Wednesday, June 15, a separate hypothetical general election survey was published, claiming Joe was four points ahead of Donald. 48 percent of respondents in the Quinnipiac University survey said they were more inclined to support Joe than Donald. Donald earned 44% of the vote. Since the previous survey in May, his support has decreased by two points, while Joe’s has been steady. According to reports, the vote was tallied from June 8 to June 12.

“Among all registered voters, President Joe Biden leads Donald Trump by a slim margin in a hypothetical general election, 48 to 44 percent. Biden won 48% of the vote in the May 24 national survey conducted by Quinnipiac University, while Trump received 46%. Since Quinnipiac University began asking this question in February 2023, Biden and Trump have consistently finished closely in head-to-head contests, according to the poll’s website.

Tim Malloy, a Quinnipiac analyst, noted: “A federal indictment. a hearing for a long list of charges. a deluge of negative media attention. The previous President’s standing among voters was negatively impacted, right? Not at all much.

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