After spending the night in the hospital, Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu was released

According to his office and the hospital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was released from the hospital on Sunday in “excellent condition,” a day after being hospitalised for dehydration.

After spending the day before in the sweltering heat of the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel, the 73-year-old was taken to the Sheba medical center outside Tel Aviv on Saturday with dizziness.

Netanyahu had “completed a series of tests and is in excellent condition” by late Sunday morning, according to professor Amit Segev, the director of cardiology at Sheba.

In a video message, he said, “Our diagnosis, at the conclusion of all the tests done, including the laboratory testing, is that the cause for the hospitalization was dehydration.

Sheba chose to do “a subcutaneous (implanted) Holter” on Netanyahu as part of the cardiological examinations in order to “continue regular monitoring” of his heart, Segev added.

Netanyahu’s staff quickly said the prime minister had departed Sheba Hospital.

The hard-right coalition led by Netanyahu, who was reelected late last year, has seen weekly protests since January against its planned judicial reform.

The premier is also facing corruption accusations, which he vigorously rejects.

In October, while following the Jewish fast of Yom Kippur, Netanyahu became unwell and spent the night in the hospital.

Netanyahu claimed to have spent hours outside “in the sun, without a hat, without water” in a video message sent out from the hospital on Saturday.

He advised Israelis to “drink more water” and “spend less time in the sun” in the aftermath of the country’s scorching weather.

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