Children and others are released by Hamas in the second round of Israeli hostage exchange

On Saturday, Hamas terrorists are likely to release a second batch of thirteen Israeli captives, the most of whom are youngsters who were kidnapped during the tragic October 7 attack on the nation.

The names of those who will be released on Saturday, the second day of the exchange agreement, were received on Friday night, according to the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office.

The successful conclusion of the first exchange of 39 Palestinian inmates for 13 Israeli captives on Friday night elicited conflicting responses from both sides.

Many in Israel felt relief that some of their relatives had returned, but they were also worried about the relatives who were still being held captive. Opponents of the whole established method argue that all captives should be released by full-fledged military action, without allowing the adversary a chance to regroup.

The militant Islamist Hamas, which has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007, launched a devastating attack on Israel on October 7 that resulted in the deaths of about 1,200 people and the kidnapping of about 240 others. This prompted Israel to declare a full-scale war in Gaza, which has left the tightly knit coastal strip in ruins and claimed over 14,000 lives, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

A list of 300 Palestinian detainees that Israel is willing to release under the 1:3 exchange technique has been made public. This means that for every Israeli hostage that is freed, three Palestinian detainees will also be released.

The relatives of the affected Palestinians are anxious and hopeful that their loved one may come out, but they are also apprehensive since it depends on the quantity of hostages that are freed.

The “pause in fighting” may be extended, with Israel promising to add a day for every 10 prisoners freed above the agreed-upon fifty, according to the agreement mediated by Qatar, Egypt, and the US.

Out of the 50 hostages who have been agreed to be released, the remaining 24 are expected to be released on Sunday and Monday in groups of 12.

On Friday morning at 7 AM, the “pause in fighting” or “temporary ceasefire” was put into force.

Eight of the 13 hostages who are scheduled to be freed on Saturday are youngsters, according to sources from the local media. Out of the thirteen Israelis freed on Friday, just four were minors.
Israeli security personnel informed the relatives of the captives after looking over the list, according to the PMO.

Both the relatives of the hostages who were freed on Friday and the families of those who were not on the initial list have received notification from Israeli officials.

On Friday, Hamas freed 11 foreign people, including 10 Thai nationals and a Filipino, as part of a different agreement.


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