Haley’s support for Trump sets off discussions about the V-P post

23 May, Washington Former UN Ambassador to the US Nikki Haley said on Wednesday that she would vote for former US President Donald Trump after her fierce primary fight against him.

The lawmaker of Indian origin said, “I will be voting for Trump,” during a speech at the Hudson Institute, a think tank where she will hold a position.

She continued by outlining her motivations. Voting for a President who will stand by our friends and hold our adversaries accountable is important to me. No more justifications about who would guard the border. A President who would defend freedom and capitalism. A President who realizes that we should reduce debt rather than increase it.”

“Trump has made mistakes with regard to these issues. That is something I have said several times. However, Biden has been a complete failure.”

Talk of Haley being a running mate for Trump began when she endorsed the candidate.

Haley has been excluded by Trump, who has fueled rumors that his running mate would provide the names of individuals under consideration.

Haley may be able to change her mind about Trump, but so can he about her.

She had referred to him as “unhinged” when challenging him for the party’s presidential candidacy, and anarchy followed him everywhere.

A mental acuity test for presidential contenders was also recommended by her, citing some of Haley’s many gaffes, such as mistaking her for former Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Trump may reconsider his stance on Haley in part because of her staunch Republican Party fans, who are still so antagonistic against him that they have voted for her in the primary despite her withdrawal from the contest. Furthermore, there are many of these voters.

Despite being out of the race for weeks, she received 21% of the votes in the Indiana primary earlier this month.

Haley brought up her supporters with Trump.

It would be wise for Trump to engage with the millions of voters who supported him and ask them to stay with him, rather than assuming they would always back him. And my sincere prayer is that he does.

Even President Joe Biden’s team has been courting Haley’s followers as a significant chunk of voters.

With a firm grasp on the Republican Party’s core, Trump was able to secure his win in the primaries and exert an extortion-like grip on party leaders, who fear losing their support if they offend him. But in order to get close to the White House, Trump will need to win over his party, and he will need Haley’s backing.

At a recent fundraiser held at his Mar-a-Lago estate, Trump showcased a number of potential vice presidential candidates, none of whom had anything comparable to give the outgoing president. Even after withdrawing from the contest, she managed to collect 14% of the vote in the Republican primary.

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