In the Black Sea, the Ukrainian military claims to have sunk a Russian landing ship

KYIV: Unconfirmed by Russian troops, Ukraine’s military claimed on Wednesday that it used naval drones to sink a Russian landing ship in the Black Sea. According to an update released by Ukraine’s General Staff on Wednesday morning, the Caesar Kunikov huge landing ship sunk close to Alupka, a city on the Crimean Peninsula that Moscow occupied in 2014.

Using Magura V5 sea drones, the special operations unit “Group 13” of Ukraine’s Military Intelligence, often known by its Ukrainian abbreviation GUR, said on Wednesday that it had sunk the Caesar Kunikov.
The Russian military just said that it shot down six Ukrainian drones over the Black Sea overnight without responding to the accusation right away.
Ukrainian military have claimed to have sunk a Russian warship in the Black Sea for the second time in the last two weeks. A video purportedly showing military drones attacking the Russian missile-armed corvette Ivanovets was released by GUR last week.

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