Nikki Haley keeps her presidential bid alive by boosting campaign coffers with $16.5 million in cash flow

According to a report by news outlet Axios, Nikki Haley raised a substantial sum of money for her campaign in January, matching her total from the previous three months.

This suggests that Haley’s campaign, which did not raise as much money as the campaigns of Republican front-runner Donald Trump and US President Joe Biden, may now have enough to support her unlikely presidential ambition. However, a number of the party’s top brass have indicated that they would like the former South Carolina governor and US representative to the UN to withdraw her candidacy in the Republican primary.

According to her campaign, Haley collected $16.5 million in January, including $11.7 million from supporters at the grassroots level. It added 69,274 new donors as well.

The week after the New Hampshire primary, Haley received over $5 million in online grassroots contributions, and her popularity skyrocketed when Trump threatened to exclude her backers from the “MAGA Camp.”

Over the course of the next two weeks, Haley has ten fundraisers scheduled in California, Florida, New York, and Texas. There, she will persuade the major contributors who have contributed to her ascent. On February 20, the final fundraising reports are due.

In 2023, the Republican leaders raised more money than they spent, but the campaigns of Florida governor Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, and senator Tim Scott all incurred more expenses than they earned.

According to Olivia Perez-Cubas, a spokeswoman for the Haley campaign, “the campaign was smart and thrifty and was very diligent with how it used its resources,” as reported by Axios. By the end of 2023, Haley’s campaign finances revealed that she had $14 million in cash on hand.

According to Haley’s US Federal Election Commission (FEC) reports, she earned $17.3 million in the fourth quarter. The $8.2 million she raised in the previous quarter has now doubled.

Lead strategist Mark Harris of Stand for America, a pro-Haley political action group (PAC), stated: “We could wind up doing ads in the Super Tuesday states. However, we’re following the campaign’s lead, and a good showing in South Carolina is the greatest thing we can do for all those states. We are the underdog, the insurgent outsider campaign.

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