PM Modi meets with the Saudi Crown Prince to discuss a variety of bilateral issues

The India-Saudi Arabia Strategic Partnership Council’s first leaders’ meeting was conducted on Monday with the participation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who was in town.

According to the External Affairs Ministry, the agenda included a wide variety of topics for bilateral cooperation, including problems relating to energy security, commerce and investment, defense and security, healthcare, food security, and community welfare.

Currently in India on a state visit is the Crown Prince.

He came on September 9 to attend the G20 Summit, and on Monday he will leave for Riyadh.

Both presidents discussed the results of the two Ministerial Committees of the Strategic Partnership Council, the Committee on Political, Security, Social, and Cultural Cooperation and the Committee on Economy and Investments Cooperation, during the meeting.

Saudi Arabia and India have long had cordial ties and frequent people-to-people exchanges.

In 2022–2023, commerce between the two nations hit an all-time high of $52.75 billion.

Saudi Arabia is India’s fourth-largest trade partner, whereas India is Saudi Arabia’s second-largest trading partner.

The relationship between the two nations is also significant in the energy sector.


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