How To Clean Curtains With White Vinegar And A Vacuum Cleaner

The curtains in the room are one of the important areas of the home where the majority of dust is collected but is often disregarded. After a few weeks, you start to notice that your curtains are beginning to appear dull and grey or black owing to daily dust. Sometimes they may have a few difficult-to-clean stains that are tenacious.

These are often the areas that get the least attention since taking the curtains down, carefully cleaning them, and then putting them back on may sometimes be a difficult chore. You must, however, take the necessary steps to keep your curtains clear of dust. Here are some simple methods you may use to clean your curtains:

White Vinegar

People often wash their curtains in the washing machine in an attempt to remove those stubborn stains, but they are still unable to do so. Use white vinegar together with conventional detergent and the water in the washing machine in such cases. Alternately, you might hand-wash the stained area first, then put the clothes in the washing machine. Never let the sun be used to dry curtains directly.

Eyelets should be covered with plastic.

When placed in the washing machine, eyelet rings found in many drapes may break or cause issues with the machine. In such cases, rope should be used to connect the eyelet rings together before covering them with plastic. This will ensure that the ring is thoroughly cleaned without causing it to break apart or create noise within the machine.

Curtain cleaning for lace and silk

The washing machine has the potential to ruin curtain lace and silk trim. However, if the curtains are light, you may place them in a mesh laundry bag and wash them in the washing machine to clean them. In this manner, neither the details nor the curtains will be ruined. Washing it with your hands is an additional method. White vinegar, detergent, and water should be used to soak the curtains. To clean them, you may also use a gentle shampoo. Your curtains will seem spotless and gleaming.

Carpet cleaner

Make careful to clean your curtains whenever you use the vacuum cleaner to clean anything else. Select the appropriate attachment, then use it to clean the curtains. All the dust and filth will be drawn in by it.

Caffeine and Hot Water

2 teaspoons of baking soda and a few drops of vinegar should be added to a basin of boiling water. Put a fresh microfiber cloth in this solution, then wring it out to dry it. After that, use the towel to wipe away dirt and dust from the curtains. The microfiber cloth will remove even the smallest dirt particles, giving your curtain a clean appearance and even a new scent.

Dry Cleaning Them

If you have heavy curtains, such as blackout curtains or ones with heavy embroidery made of satin or polyester, you may send them to be dry cleaned rather than risk damaging them by washing them at home.


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