Students at Sirsa Women’s College want the addition of postgraduate courses

Six more postgraduate (PG) courses are being proposed by Government College for Women, Sirsa students for the 2024–2025 academic year. The session’s courses, both undergraduate and graduate, are scheduled to start in June or July. The students expressed their want for postgraduate courses like MBA and MCom to be offered. Via the college’s site, the official request was sent to the higher education department.

The 2023–24 session’s exams will be over in May. Following the results announcement, students will enroll in postgraduate courses. The institution only offers undergraduate courses at the moment, but the students asked that six graduate-level courses be added.

A student at the college named Priyanka said that she was in her last year of graduation and that she intended to pursue a master’s degree at the same institution in order to conveniently finish her education. She expressed her faith in the women’s college and said that her family was unable to support her in pursuing a master’s degree.

Another student, Rajni, claims that while families want females to attend local universities, they are often more comfortable sending guys to pursue academic degrees. The introduction of postgraduate courses will raise the educational attainment of women by offering female students security and a wide range of amenities.

According to college principal Ram Kumar Jangra, the department of higher education has been asked to approve the institution’s proposal to provide postgraduate courses in response to student demand. Applications for introducing the MA in English, MA in Hindi, MCom, MA in Public Administration, MA in Political Science, MBA, and BA in Home Science have been received, he added. He said that these courses will start in the 2024–2025 session if clearance is given, and that 40 places would be allotted for each course after approval.

There are now 430 seats available for BA, 160 for BCom, 40 for BBA, 120 for BCA, 80 for BSc Medical, and 160 for BSc Non-Medical and Computer Science at the institution, according to Dr. Pradeep Kumar, the admission nodal officer. But there weren’t any for courses above graduate level.