Study abroad: What Indians should know about the UK’s new policy on dependent overseas students

Family visits to the UK will be prohibited for international postgraduate students enrolled in non-research degrees as of January 20, 2024.

In the past, overseas students were permitted to bring their wives and kids to the UK under the protection of a dependent visa. Only postgraduate foreign students are affected by these new limitations. In the UK, it was already against the law for undergraduate students to bring dependents.

Prospective Indian students would also be impacted in their decision-making process by this regulatory change. The inability to bring dependents may discourage students from choosing the UK as their study-abroad location.

Karunn Kandoi, Chief Experience Officer of ApplyBoard, a global education technology platform, discusses the implications of this legislation and the options available to Indian students for educational locations with dependent-friendly regulations in an exclusive interview.

What effects will this new regulation have on students wishing to pursue higher education overseas when it takes effect in January 2024?
Potential Indian students’ decision-making process may be impacted by this regulation change. The inability to bring dependents may discourage students from choosing the UK as their study-abroad location.

In contrast to other target markets, postgraduate programs in the UK are quite short, taking just around a year to finish. After these modifications, the pupils’ own inclinations will determine how crucial it is for them to go to the target nation with their families.

For whom is someone a “dependant”?
Immigration and visa laws usually define what constitutes a “dependent,” albeit they might differ from nation to nation.

A family member who is permitted to accompany the main visa holder in the UK and depends on them financially is referred to as a “dependant” in the UK. A spouse or civil partner, an unmarried partner, and children under the age of 18 might all fall under this category. Depending on the particular visa category, dependent visas may sometimes be granted to additional family members, such as parents, grandparents, or children over the age of 18.

In Canada, a “dependant” may be a parent or grandparent, a husband or common-law partner, children under 22, and (depending on the immigration program) a kid.

Depending on the particular visa type, a spouse or de facto partner, children, and other family members may be considered “dependants” in Australia.

A family member who may be sponsored by the principal visa holder to enter the nation with them is often referred to as a “dependant” in the United States. Spouses and single children under 21 are common examples of dependants.

What privileges and rights would the dependents have in the UK under the revised rule?
Depending on the particular visa category, the rights and benefits for dependents under the amended UK regulations vary, but they typically include the right to live and work in the country, the ability to travel in and out of the country while the primary visa holder’s visa is valid, access to healthcare through the National Health Service (NHS), and access to education for dependent children.

The dependent’s visa usually lasts the same amount of time as the main visa holder. It is important to consult the official guidelines of the relevant visa program or the UK Home Office for the most up-to-date and correct information about the rights and benefits of dependants, since the modified policy rules may have brought changes.

How do the rights and benefits of dependents of foreign students in the US, Australia, Canada, and the EU compare?
Depending on the precise class or category of the visa, foreign students’ dependents have different rights and privileges in different countries.

● Depending on the particular visa type, people may have different access to healthcare and education while they are lawfully residing and working in the United States.

● In Australia, dependents are usually allowed to work and attend school, although healthcare access varies.

Dependents are allowed to live, work, access healthcare, and get education in Canada.

● Within the European Union, member states have different rights and benefits for dependents, including legal residency, access to healthcare, education, and employment, according to the host nation’s unique laws.

As the Spring 2024 enrollment approaches, have you seen a change in the institutions that Indian students are choosing to attend?
Indian students continue to find the UK to be a popular destination, but feedback indicates that as 2024 approaches, demand may be waning. That being said, everyone thinking about studying in the UK should be happy to hear that UK colleges are now making offers to Indian candidates much more quickly and in greater quantity thanks to the ApplyBoard Platform.

Students wishing to study in the UK are often admitted till the end of the year since the visa application procedure is typically swift and simple.

India was the country to get the most number of dependent US visas between 2021 and 2022. Is studying in the US the best option for Indian students who want to bring dependents with them?
The incapacity of dependents to work may deter overseas students from bringing their families with them or may even encourage them to go elsewhere for their studies, despite the fact that the US awarded the most dependent visas to Indian students.

Australia has seen a sharp rise in the number of new dependents, with a startling 136% year-over-year increase. With 7,114 dependent visas issued to Indians on study visas during the Australian government’s fiscal year from July 2022 to June 2023, India ranked first with a dependant-to-main application ratio of 0.20.

Dependents may apply for a tourist visa, work permit, or study permit in Canada. For overseas students and their immediate families (spouses and small children), the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) offers a clear route to remain in Canada and get the post-graduation work experience needed for applications for permanent residence.

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