These 6 plant-based foods can help you increase your protein intake

For us to be active and healthy, proteins must be a significant portion of our diet. In order to acquire enough protein in their diets, vegetarians often start eating non-vegetarian foods. However, this is a major lie since the body can receive enough protein from a variety of plant-based foods, and only a small number of plant-based foods have a greater protein content than non-vegetarian foods. The ideal sources of protein and other nutrients may be found in the correct plant-based diets.

Here are the top six plant-based protein sources:

Soy Products

In a vegetarian diet, it is one of the richest sources of protein. When half of a cup is ingested at once, kinds including firm tofu, edamame, and tempeh all contain between 8.5 and 15 grams of protein. Tofu may even be used in soups and sandwiches in place of meat. Iron and calcium are also present.


8.84 g of protein, along with potassium and iron, may be found in a half cup of cooked red or green lentils. They contribute extra protein when eaten with curries, salads, or rice for lunch or supper.

Chicory Seeds

They are high in fiber and low in calories. With two grams of protein per tablespoon, they are a fantastic source of protein. They may be eaten by mixing them into smoothies, topping yoghurt with them, or making pudding with almond milk. They are readily accessible online as well as in supermarkets and natural food shops.


8 grams of protein are in a baked potato. In addition, potatoes are a good source of potassium and vitamin C. Humus boosts the protein level of a food, making it good to add two tablespoons to it. Three grams of protein are included in two tablespoons of hummus.


Half a cup of almonds has 16.5 g of protein. Due to the significant quantity of Vitamin E it contains, it is also beneficial for the eyes and skin.


A dietary source of full protein is a blend of wheat gluten plus other spices. People with gluten sensitivity who are non-celiacs should stay away from it. For every third cup cooked with soy sauce, it provides 21 grams.




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