Why Is August 22 Chosen as the Date for World Plant Milk Day in 2023? Verify the facts, themes, history, and other crucial information

Every year, the world celebrates World Plant Milk Day to increase public awareness of the sustainable and healthful milk options we have available to us. Milk is recognized as the “whole food” and is crucial to a healthy, balanced diet. The goal of World Plant Milk Day is to raise awareness of the value of plant milk as a very nutritious alternative to animal milk.

2023: The History of the World Plant Milk Day
World Plant Milk Day was first observed in 2017 and was created by Robbie Lockie, a co-founder of Plant Based News. In 2018, PBN and ProVeg worked together to offer this event a special method to encourage people to make healthier choices for their health and happiness. The goal of the campaign is to persuade millions of people to convert from dairy milk to plant-based alternatives.

2023 World Plant Milk Day: Importance
World Plant Milk Day is a significant milestone in raising public awareness of nutritious milk alternatives. It serves as a reminder of the advantages of consuming plant milk. Simply by sipping a glass of milk, you contribute to eradicating animal suffering and lowering global warming.

If you are unable to consume regular dairy milk made from cows, sheep, or goats or don’t want to, plant-based milk is an alternative, according to WebMD. Due to an allergy or intolerance to cow’s milk, particularly lactose intolerance, some individuals switch to plant-based milk. Since no animal products are utilized in their production, these dairy substitutes may also be a part of a vegan diet.

2023’s World Plant Milk Day: Theme
World Milk Day 2023 will focus on “Showcasing how dairy is reducing its environmental footprint, while also providing nutritious foods and livelihoods,” according to The topic for World Plant Milk Day in 2022 was “Dairy Net Zero,” whereas the focus of the activities in 2021 was “sustainability in the dairy sector with messages on nutrition.”

Facts About Plant Milk – According to WebMD, between 2009 and 2015, sales of dairy substitutes surpassed $21 billion, while conventional cow’s milk consumption fell by 13% during that time.

– There are several varieties of plant-based milks, and they may often be categorized according to the raw materials they are produced of.

– Although consuming plant-based milk might be a fantastic substitute for dairy, be careful to check the components.

– In an effort to save manufacturing costs, some producers would use fewer basic materials while still adding thickeners to prevent the finished product from being too watery.

– To make it pliable and simpler to handle, the raw material for plant-based milk is often steeped for several hours. The base is then processed into a pulp, filtered, and combined with water. According to WebMD, the outcome is mostly water with little of the original plant material remaining.

– One benefit of plant-based milk is that it generally lasts longer than dairy milk and doesn’t need to be chilled before use.

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