According to Atishi, the Delhi government is “proud to promote” India’s ancient traditions in schools

According to Education Minister Atishi on Tuesday, the Delhi government is “proud to promote” India’s traditional practices of yoga and meditation in schools to encourage kids to maintain their physical and mental wellness.

‘Happiness Saptah’ is being held at government-run schools in Delhi to commemorate the Happiness Curriculum’s five years.

The Directorate of Education organized yoga and meditation workshops for pupils at their individual schools on the second day of the event.

Thousands of kids participated in the yoga session, which was organized in association with Ayudh, the Amritanandamayi Math’s youth division.

“In these difficult times, youngsters may reduce tension and sharpen their attention by practicing yoga and meditation. The Delhi government is now introducing yoga into children’s everyday life, following mindfulness. Lakhs of students at government schools in Delhi have learned to be joyful via their studies, according to Atishi.

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