After an unexpected victory in the Himachal Pradesh Rajya Sabha elections, BJP leaders met with the governor to request a floor test against the Sukhu administration

A day after winning the state’s lone Rajya Sabha seat, members of the Jai Ram Thakur-led BJP Legislative Party met with Himachal Pradesh Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla on Wednesday.

They want to put the Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu-led administration to the test in the state Assembly.

The BJP’s move to raise a vote of no-confidence against the state’s Congress administration in the assembly has generated a lot of talk leading up to the meeting.

In the 68-member state legislature, the BJP has 25 MLAs while the Congress has 40. Independents occupy the last three seats.

Before meeting the governor, Speaker Kuldeep Singh Pathania informed reporters that “we have come here to appraise the governor of the situation” and that he would not let a split of votes on cut motions related to the health department on Tuesday.

He said that while the BJP members were making their way to the speaker’s chamber to voice their complaint, the marshals mistreated and physically restrained them. Congress veteran Abhishek Manu Singhvi was defeated by BJP nominee Harsh Mahajan to win the Rajya Sabha seat.

Six Congress MLAs voted against the party, resulting in a tie in the number of votes cast for the BJP and Congress candidates. The outcome was then announced by a lot drawing. After the outcome, opposition party sources said that the Congress administration had lost the majority in the House and that members of the BJP Legislature Party, headed by Assembly Leader of the Opposition Thakur, would meet with the governor to seek a floor test.

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