After anti-May 25 voting posters were discovered on the DU campus, two FIRs were lodged

After pro-boycott posters for the Lok Sabha elections in the nation’s capital were found on the walls at different spots around the enormous Delhi University campus on Thursday, police said that two First Information Reports (FIRs) had been filed. The last round of elections for the seven Lok Sabha seats in the capital will take place on May 25. Officials said that two campuses connected to Delhi University got an anonymous call on Thursday that threatened to detonate explosives. After further investigation, it was discovered that the call was bogus.

Lady Shri Ram College and Sri Venkateswara College in the nation’s capital received calls threatening explosives, according to the Delhi Fire Service. An anonymous call was received by us threatening to bomb Sri Venkateswara College and Lady Shri Ram College in Delhi. A Delhi Police squad and fire tenders are on the scene, an official told ANI.

The Delhi Police then said that because the calls were phony, there was no need to be alarmed. “Two DU colleges have received threats of explosives in several phone calls. These calls, it have recently been discovered, are fraudulent. There is no need for concern,” a Delhi Police official said.

North Block is home to the Ministry of Home Affairs. Earlier on Wednesday, Delhi Police said that they received an email alerting them to the presence of a bomb there. The Delhi High Court had previously in April asked the AAP administration for a comprehensive status report regarding the fictitious bomb threat against many private schools in the capital.

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