After being exposed for accepting a Rs. 84,000 bribe, a Telangana official sobs on camera | Watch

The anti-corruption bureau (ACB) in Hyderabad, Telangana, arrested an executive engineer working for the Tribal Welfare Engineering department on Monday when he was collecting a ₹84,000 bribe, according to news agency

K Jaga Jyothi was seen crying in a video that went viral on social media after local media revealed that she had been caught red-handed accepting a bribe from the complainant.

The officer has been named as K Jaga Jyothi, per the ACB announcement. While requesting and collecting a bribe of ₹84,000 from a contractor in return for an official favor, she was caught in the Masab Tank area. When ACB officers approached her, she seemed upset and started crying. In the course of the inquiry, investigators also searched her home and place of business.

“The phenolphthalein test revealed a positive result on K Jaga Jyothi, EE’s right-hand fingers. The ACB statement was cited by ANI. “The Accused Officer performed his duty improperly and dishonestly to obtain undue advantage.”

Chemically speaking, phenolphthalein is a helpful sign when it comes to bribery detection. Its breakdown results in a pink coloration that makes it easier to identify the people who received bribes. Traces stick to people’s hands when they touch marked money or papers that have been handled with this solution. When it comes into touch with a soft foundation, the pink color shows through. The accused officer was discovered to be in possession of the bribe money, according to the ACB statement.

The executive engineer has been detained and is scheduled to appear before the Hyderabad-based ACB Cases Court and Principal Special Judge for SPE. Additional research is now under progress.

According to a report in Hindustan Times Telugu, the ACB apprehended an official at Nalgonda Government Hospital in a recent bribery incident after the officer accepted a payment of Rs. 3 lakh. Lachu Naik, the defendant, is the superintendent of the hospital. The issue started when a merchant by the name of Venkanna reportedly solicited a bribe during a bidding for medicinal supplies. Venkanna reported the event to the Anti-Corruption Department because he was unable to comply. When Venkanna gave Naik the money as planned later, ACB agents stepped in and apprehended Naik in the act. After Naik was taken into custody and the money taken, he was placed under detention.

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