After she declined to dismiss their maintenance lawsuit in Bengaluru, a man kills his wife by hacking

The decision to drop a maintenance lawsuit proved costly for the 35-year-old lady who was killed on Sunday at a bus stop by her husband and his brother. While the victim was waiting for a bus, the accused followed her and fatally hacked her. The victim was on route to a relative’s housewarming celebration.


After six years of marriage, the couple had split up two years before. Despite repeated appeals from her husband Rajesh, the victim, P Manjula, refused to have the complaint withdrawn. The murder took place in the Ramanagara district’s Kanakapura taluk. Mahesh, Manjula’s brother, filed a complaint against the defendants.

Manjula, a Harohalli resident, was fatally cut on Sunday between 12.10 and 12.20 p.m. at a bus stop next to Santhegate at Kanakapura’s Muduvadi Gate. Professional photographer Rajesh (40), from Vaddarahalli, and his brother Somashekar are fugitives.

Spectators felt intimidated

Mahesh said to The New Indian Express that his sister drove an automobile to the bus stop. “Her spouse, who was riding behind her on a bike, urged her to ride pillion when she got down. He killed her with a knife when she refused to give up and sat at the bus stop. While attempting to assist my sister, several ladies at the bus stop were intimidated by the accused. She passed away right away. Mahesh said, “I learned about the horrible murder from one of my cousins.

The first four years of Rajesh and my sister’s marriage were filled with happiness. Later on, he began to bother my sister after getting in contact with his paramour. He began to doubt her loyalty and had cameras planted around the house, including the bedroom. She left and remained with us since she could no longer stand his torment. She had gone to court to ask her husband for maintenance so she could take care of their five-year-old kid. For the last six months, Rajesh had been pressuring my sister to drop the legal action. Rajesh and his brother used to hang around our home and cause trouble when she refused. Mahesh said, “Rajesh had threatened her with dire consequences.”

It is said that Somashekar went with his brother when Rajesh murdered his wife. A sharp weapon was employed by the accused. “They’re both running away, and we’re looking for them,” an investigating officer said.

The Kanakapura Rural Police have filed a murder complaint and are conducting an investigation.

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