Anitha, a nursing officer, begins work at Koz MCH one day after the government brought her back

Senior nursing officer P B Anitha returned to work on Sunday after a determined sit-in outside Kozhikode Government Medical College (MCH) that led to her reinstatement by the government.

After providing assistance to the victim of the ICU sexual assault case, she was sent to Idukki. After thereafter, Anitha moved her case to the High Court, which ordered the reinstatement of Anitha at Kozhikode MCH on April 1.

Anitha started her protest when, in spite of the court order, the authorities refused to reassign her, claiming there was no vacancy. She received support from political groups including the BJP and the Congress.

On Sunday, Anitha received a visit from the sexual assault case victim who had supported her from the beginning of her demonstration in front of the MCH.

The victim told TNIE, “The government kept saying that it will do everything in its power to support me.” She said, “I hope the government honors its commitment to stop inciting trouble for those who defend justice.”

Anitha has promised not to drop her lawsuit accusing the state government of contempt of court, even after being allowed to resume her official duties. Her choice was prompted by the government’s attempt to challenge the HC ruling requiring her reinstatement via a review petition.

Anitha’s reinstatement was ordered by the health department on Saturday, but it made clear that her appointment is still pending the outcome of the government’s review appeal.

Anitha expressed her optimism that her appointment would be upheld by the court. She emphasized that she will face obstacles all the way until retirement. “I intend to finish my remaining six years of service with honor and dignity,” she said.

Anitha’s sympathy for the survivor led to her going through a year-long agony. Anitha was among the hospital staff members suspended after the events of March 18, 2023; these staff members were later reassigned as a sort of disciplinary punishment.

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