Flight Central Just shadow boxing as Congress seeks retribution from Scindia for the intrigue around the 2020 palace

Jyotiraditya Scindia, the minister of civil aviation, is the object of a fierce campaign for Madhya Pradesh at this point. The beginning of it all was a series of recommendations from the minister and his ministry to airlines to restrict airfare, particularly on routes that Go First was operating on but has now ceased. After the horrifying Balasore railway tragedy, the government had also suggested that tariffs be reasonable in case of accidents and emergencies.

When the ministry bragged of an increase in aircraft traffic, a verbal battle broke out. Congress general secretary KC Venugopal instantly responded to this by tweeting: “Hard facts and everyday suffering of the middle class cannot be wished away by distorting figures and misrepresenting the actual facts on the ground.”

With a series of tweets, Scindia retaliated against the Congressman, charging that he was cherry-picking information and had “forgotten the stepmotherly treatment aviation received under the UPA government.”

Intriguingly, Scindia served as a Union minister under the UPA administration but left the party after 2014, citing the Congress’s “step-motherly” treatment of him, particularly in MP, where the Grand Old Party was in power with Kamal Nath serving as the chief minister.

Scindia answered right away, citing statistics showing that on the routes where Go First had ceased operations, the rates had gone up. Additionally, he questioned the reasons for the bankruptcy of Kingfisher, Paramount, and Air Deccan under the UPA.

The background of 2020, when the 15-month-long Kamal Nath administration was toppled, lies behind the current debate over flight rates. The MP chief minister really quit before to the floor test after realizing he lacked the necessary support. By working together with the “Maharaja” (Scindia), the BJP, according to Nath, overthrew his administration with the help of 22 “greedy MLAs.”

The Congress hasn’t forgave Scindia since then. Rahul Gandhi retaliated after leaving the party by declaring that his doors were always open for his “friend” Scindia, who had deceived him.

The politician responded by accusing Nath and Digivijaya Singh of orchestrating his recurrent humiliation in Madhya Pradesh and the denial of space and respect to his followers.

The Grand Old Party wants to get vengeance on the “Maharaja” as Nath and the Congress make another attempt to retake power in MP, hoping that the anti-incumbency campaign against Shivraj Singh Chouhan would work in their favor. It’s simply shadow boxing to be so upset over airline prices. The royal plot that brought down the Nath administration is the true conflict.




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