In a week, six blackbucks in Deer Park pass away

Six blackbucks, the state animal of Punjab, have mysteriously passed away in the last four days under the state Wildlife Department’s care at the Bir Moti Bagh Mini Zoo (Deer Park) in Patiala.

Although the situation was first kept under wraps, all other antelopes are now being monitored by a team of professionals, and the “post-mortem examination of the dead animals has been concluded.”

The Tribune was informed by departmental sources that two blackbucks had been discovered dead earlier this week. There are currently six on the count. “Even though the deer at Deer Park Patiala are wild animals kept in captivity, the issue was ignored on the first day, and instead of separating the other blackbucks in the same enclosure, the lower-level authorities did not respond promptly, which led to other deaths,” the claim was made.

However, field authorities assert that it took some time to realize how serious the issue was “because the animals showed no initial symptoms and were found dead.”

The Wildlife Act protects blackbucks as an endangered species, and killing one may result in a six-year jail sentence. The Punjab state animal known as the blackbuck is protected under Schedule 1 of the (Protection) Act, 1972.

Although they have ruled out any foul play, department authorities are now investigating the causes of the animals’ deaths—all of which occurred in a single-fenced area. “There doesn’t appear to be any trouble since the deer park is fenced off and wildlife authorities are camped there all the time. A top official said, “We are awaiting the results of the post-mortem test.

“Divisional Forest Office Patiala is managing the issue by implementing all appropriate safety measures. Following the process, they have gathered samples and submitted them for histopathological investigation. They will act in accordance with the reports as soon as they are received. They are now adhering to all applicable SOPs as needed by the circumstances, according to Punjab Chief Wildlife Warden Dharminder Sharma.

Neeraj Gupta, Divisional Forest Officer Patiala (Wildlife), revealed to The Tribune that six blackbuck (Antelope cervicapra) fatalities had so far taken place in one enclosure during the last four days. “We have post-mortem examinations of deceased animals by local veterinarians and GADVASU authorities, as well as physical examinations by departmental veterinary officials from Chhatbir Zoo, in accordance with current norms and regulations.

It is believed to be either foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) or a bacterial infection. Experts have obtained samples, and drug administration has begun. The Deer Park has been closed till further notice, in accordance with all established procedures. According to Gupta, “all animals seem to be in good condition since none of them appear sluggish after taking medicine and they are under observation.

Numerous wild creatures, including several antelope species, foxes, rare birds, monkeys, langurs, and many more, are housed in cages within the deer park.

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