Kerala Class 10 student slain to exact revenge on long-standing rivalry: police investigating crime from August 30

A Class 10 student was killed on August 30 in Kattakada, Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala, after being struck by an electric vehicle. The driver was arrested for culpable manslaughter not amounting to murder. However, a week later, after reviewing CCTV footage and the victim’s family’s statements, the police decided to charge the accused with murder since they believed it was a planned crime, a police official said.

After playing with friends near the Pulinkode shrine in Poovachal, Adisekhar A (15) was starting to ride his bicycle home when an electric vehicle that had been originally stopped on the side of the road suddenly pushed forward and slammed the little kid, crushing him beneath the wheels. The youngster was struck by the automobile and driven over in CCTV footage of the event that was shown on local media. On the side of the road, the boy’s pal can be seen.

Priyaranjan (41), a distant cousin of the youngster who worked overseas, was the guy who was driving the automobile. Although at first he was prosecuted under section 304 of the IPC for accidentally killing the youngster, CCTV footage and testimony from the victim’s relatives and witnesses have convinced authorities that the accused purposefully ran the boy over with his vehicle out of retaliation. Additionally, he was drunk at the time of the occurrence.

“We learned that there had been prior animosity when we inquired into the cause of such a violent murder. They got into a fight about defecating close to a temple wall. We verified it. He has been eluding capture. We’ve come to the conclusion that this is a murder investigation. N Shibu, Kattakada deputy superintendent of police, stated, “We are looking into it.

Adisekhar reportedly discovered Priyaranjan one day peeing close to the grounds of a nearby shrine while supposedly drunk, according to the boy’s family. According to reports, the Class 10 student confronted him about this and informed other members of the family about his behavior, which enraged him.

The youngster’s paternal uncle, Ajantha Kumar, told a local TV station that the boy informed him that it was improper for him to urinate thus close to the temple wall. About that, Priyaranjan informed me. I assured him that it was nothing major and that he was still a young lad. We ignored it and didn’t give it any thought. But he had thoughts of retaliation. That is why he came here and waited for 30 minutes before hitting the youngster with the automobile.

“We realized it was intentional when we looked at the CCTV footage. The driver accelerated the vehicle, struck the youngster, and then drove off as soon as the boy got up on the bicycle and began pedaling home, according to the boy’s uncle.

Priyaranjan has been arrested after being charged with murder under section 302 of the IPC, according to a police official at the Kattakada station. After the incident on August 30, his abandoned automobile was discovered close to Peyad.


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