“Peaceful protests should be permitted,” said farmer leader Sarwan Singh Pandher

As the farmers’ protest turns into a major problem, Sarvan Singh Pandher, the general secretary of the Punjab Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Committee, stated: “We want Prime Minister Narendra Modi to hold a dialogue with farmers or else we should be allowed to protest peacefully.”

On Thursday, Pandher said to ANI, “We are meeting with the Union ministers today.” In order to address our requests, we would want to speak with PM Modi.
He said, “We should be allowed to protest peacefully in the National Capital,” citing India’s democratic nature. All access points should have the barriers removed by the authorities.

On Thursday at 5 p.m., the central government and farmers unions are due to meet. According to Sarvan Singh Pandher, the unions are expecting a settlement.
“We are fully confident that a constructive resolution will come from this meeting, and we are going to attend the meeting in a completely positive mood today,” Pandher said.
The farmers are marching to Delhi in support of 12 requests they have made of the federal government. This time, the demonstration has been organized by the Punjab Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Committee and Sanyukt Kisan Morcha, both of which are headed by farmer union leaders Jagjeet Singh Dallewal and Sarwan Singh Pandher.

Farmers who were protesting in 2021 said they abandoned their protest because the center promised them higher crop prices. In accordance with the Swaminathan Commission findings, they are calling for the passage of legislation that would provide a minimum support price (MSP) for all crops.
In addition, they want a plan to provide farmers and agricultural laborers pensions, as well as a total remission of all debt.

Along with their demands to restore the Land Acquisition Act of 2013, which guarantees them permission and compensation at four times the collector rate, the farmers have also sought the repeal of the Electricity Amendment Bill 2020.

They are also calling for the punishment of those responsible for the deaths in Lakhimpur Kheri. The farmers have also appealed for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (MGNREGA) to combine farming with 200 days of work each year and a day pay of Rs 700.
They have also asked for jobs for any family members and reparations for the relatives of farmers who lost their lives in the 2021 demonstrations.

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