Premier of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina will go to India after the Lok Sabha elections

Dhaka: Later this year, when the Indian general elections are over, Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is scheduled to go to New Delhi.

The media was informed by Bangladesh’s Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud that the “prime minister will visit India after the elections.” The formal timetable has not yet been finalised.

The news comes amid recent rumours that Sheikh Hasina’s June travels to India are planned, which were ignited by many media sources.
If successful, this would be her first official trip to India since winning the January 7 national elections.

Is Sheikh Hasina travelling to India?
The visit has important diplomatic ramifications since it shows how Bangladesh and India’s bilateral relations are still growing.
Over the years, both countries have preserved tight diplomatic ties and worked together on a number of issues, including commerce, security, and regional cooperation.

Specific engagements and the itinerary of Sheikh Hasina’s visit have not yet been made public.

However, a number of bilateral and regional topics of shared interest are anticipated to be covered during the visit, considering the strategic significance of Bangladesh-Indian ties.
Stakeholders in both countries are looking forward to seeing further progress made in the long-standing cooperation between India and Bangladesh as the visit gets closer.

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