Residents of PoK need to be contrasting their circumstances with those of J&K: Jaishankar, EAM

May 15, New Delhi Speaking on Wednesday about the turmoil in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said that he is certain that residents of PoK would be contrasting their circumstances with those of Jammu and Kashmir.

In PoK, there is a ferment taking place. You may watch it on TV or on social media. It’s a very complicated analysis, but I am certain that someone in PoK is comparing their circumstances to those of someone in Jammu and Kashmir and asking, “How is it that people today are actually progressing on our side?” EAM Jaishankar said:.

According to him, those on the opposing side are aware of and comprehend what it’s like to be oppressed, discriminated against, and mistreated. According to EAM, “any such comparison would be preying on their minds.”

EAM Jaishankar emphasized that a portion of Kashmir was and would always be a part of India while discussing the integration of PoK with India.

“That portion of Kashmir has always been and always will be a part of India. When will the occupation there end, I wonder? Actually, I think it’s very intriguing,” he said.

He said that there had not been much talk regarding PoK prior to the implementation of Article 370.

“We were under pressure from Western countries at one point in the 1990s, and the parliament unanimously passed a resolution at that time,” he stated.

Protests becoming violent in PoK against the increase in power rates have broken out.

Following the opening of fire on demonstrators by Pakistani security forces, at least three people have died and six have been wounded.

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