The head of the municipal corporation conducts an examination of the thoroughfares and mandates the assessment of water quality in impoverished urban districts

Today, Municipal Commissioner Gautam Jain undertook an inspection of various thoroughfares within the city, encompassing the distinguished Cool road, the venerable Garha road, the vicinity surrounding the STP plant, and the path leading towards Dina village.

It has come to light that a sewage conduit stretching from Pholariwal to Dina village, a project initiated under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) scheme, has regrettably remained bereft of cleansing.

While the Municipal Commissioner expressed contentment with the progress on other avenues, he mandated the sanitation of the sewage system along the route to Dina village. Accompanied by fellow officials, he meticulously scrutinized the ongoing endeavors.

The Municipal Commissioner has been diligently convening meetings and surveying diverse locales to address prevailing concerns. Recently, he convened a session with the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) wing of the Municipal Corporation, tasking them with the meticulous identification and compilation of a comprehensive report detailing areas perennially afflicted by water scarcity during this season. Furthermore, he urged them to oversee the refurbishment and upkeep of tube-wells in regions beset by long-standing grievances.

The Municipal Corporation is set to commence the sampling of water from slum areas and localities where tainted water poses challenges during the months spanning from May to July.

Moreover, a deadline of 15 days has been stipulated for officials to ensure the thorough cleansing of roads and streets across every ward.

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