Tragic Fallout: Following a child’s roof fall rescue, a mother in Chennai commits herself amid cyberbullying

The tale of the eight-year-old child who fell on the apartment roof in Chennai became viral around a month ago. The neighbors came to the baby’s aid. But after the event, the baby’s mother committed herself after being subjected to cruel comments on social media.

The four-story building’s lower terrace was the site of the child’s rescue, as shown in the now-viral video. The mother of the kid was an IT engineer. She received a lot of trolling for her carelessness.

She had gone to her mother’s house in Coimbatore after the event. V Ramya was the name of the lady. On May 19, her corpse was discovered in the room. According to a person who spoke to a publication, she was unable to forget what happened on April 28.

Social media users harshly condemned Ramya. She was accused of intentionally tossing the infant child to the ground. It disturbed her so greatly because of how it impacted her mentally. After something happened, Ramya’s parents discovered her unconscious. She was believed to be dead when they brought her to the hospital.

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