While Congress has weakened the Constitution, the BJP’s beliefs are in line with it: Himanta Biswa Sarma

Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma retaliated against the Congress party on Tuesday over the latter’s accusation that the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) was altering the Constitution. According to Sarma, the BJP’s beliefs are in line with the Constitution, but the Congress party has watered it down, according to ANI.

“As I have said throughout, the Uniform Civil Code’s application is encouraged by our Constitution. The whole of Kashmir is recognized by our Constitution as being a part of India. The current administration is authorized by our Constitution to oppose the killing of cows. All of the fundamental ideas that the BJP operates by are enumerated in our Constitution. Thus, the Assam Chief Minister told ANI on Tuesday that the BJP does not need to amend the Constitution, according to ANI.

Sarma attacked the Congress, saying, “They want to promote Sharia when it comes to Congress.” Thus, it is necessary to amend the Constitution. The Congress party is in favor of reservations based on religion. They need to amend the Constitution to do that. The Constitution is in line with the beliefs of the BJP. The principles of Congress are not included in the Constitution, and the Congress party has historically been the source of any constitutional dilution. The BJP has never originated it, according to ANI.

Sarma said, “I think it has given us a good narrative to speak about their misuse,” when the reporter asked him whether he believed that the Congress’s criticism of the BJP on matters like reservation or the Constitution had hurt the party’s chances of winning elections. If not, we wouldn’t have spoken about reservations based on religion during this election. We wouldn’t have spoken about the Uniform Civil Code during this election, but because Congress brought up the Constitution, it’s helpful to us. We are talking about all these things right now,” ANI said.

“I am grateful to the Congress party for giving us the opportunity to discuss all of the topics that are important to us. You favor reserves based on religion, whereas we support reservations based on caste. Thus, the discussion is now over. Schedule Tribes, Schedule Castes, and Other Backward Classes are now incensed about Congress’s promotion of religion-based reservations. Thus, the Congress’s statements on the BJP are largely responsible for the development of this narrative.”

Asking if the BJP is sure to win 400 seats, Sarma said with confidence, “400 plus is already done.”

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