An Account of a Rajasthani Man’s Wife’s Pre-planned Divorce to Seek ‘Quota’ for UPSC Exam

In an extremely strange story out of Rajasthan, a man claims that his wife filed for divorce in order to benefit from a claimed “divorce quota” in the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination. The woman’s family has disputed that the UPSC has a “divorce quota,” despite the guy from Kalwar Road filing a complaint at the Kardhani police station in Jaipur. She has also filed a dowry harassment complaint in Pratapgarh against her husband.

The assault against the man’s wife, a Pratapgarh resident, was reported on May 11 by Sub Inspector Ashish Kumar of the Kardhani police station. The photographer who filed the complaint said that they were married a year ago in accordance with Hindu rituals and customs. According to a story from “Voice for Men India,” he said that his wife filed for divorce “to avail the divorce quota in the UPSC exam.”

After meeting in 2013 in Pratapgarh and being married on the spur of passion, the pair supposedly kept in touch when the lady moved to Jaipur in 2016 to pursue her education, which finally resulted in a live-in partnership. They tied the knot in 2021. The complainant said that in September 2022, his spouse was able to get a government job by using the Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) quota. Then she said that she wanted to study for the UPSC test before calling off the engagement.

She did, however, promise to give it another look, provided the guy helped her pass the UPSC test. As such, they were married in Pratapgarh in February 2023. The husband says his wife fled their house the very following day after they arrived back in Jaipur.

Returning to her parent’s house, she told the guy that they would live apart for a year and then file for divorce jointly. She allegedly reminded him of his pledge to do whatever it took to support the UPSC, according to the guy.

On their first anniversary, he went to Pratapgarh to see her, and when he refused, she supposedly sought a divorce and threatened to incriminate him falsely in court. After that, he went to the police, who opened a case after receiving his complaint.

On the other hand, the woman gives a different account, charging her husband with emotional manipulation and dowry harassment. In the Pratapgarh district, a dowry harassment complaint has been filed against him in response.

In the meantime, it is noteworthy that the UPSC does not provide a separate reservation quota for divorced persons. Instead, reserves are limited to SC, ST, OBC, EWS, and disabled individuals, with a maximum age relaxation of five years.

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