During a sale, a man orders a MacBook from Amazon, but receives a broken HP laptop instead

Ordered something from Amazon and got something entirely different—this appears to be an international problem right now. We have seen several situations when customers ordered a device but got a rock or another object instead. Similar to this, someone revealed on Reddit that he ordered a MacBook and instead got a damaged HP laptop.

Now the guy wants advise on what to do next. He also exhorted anybody who had similar situations to speak out.

The guy claimed on social media that he ordered a MacBook Air M1 from Amazon on October 7 for a terrific price of 63,000 INR. The order was then successfully processed, and a delivery date was set. The delivery guy asked for the OTP when he came. With customer care, “I had confirmed it was not an Open Box delivery,” he said. The package was given to the guy. “As I started to video the unpacking, I found a broken HP Pavilion inside the box, which was only useful as a paper weight. You hope it never happens to you, but it was a moment of disbelief,” he wrote.

Given the 14-day replacement guarantee, the guy contacted Amazon customer service to report this problem. He has also been in touch with people through a number of emails, including the vendor and Amazon’s support and helplines. But to date, nothing has been done.

He indicated that he is looking for suggestions on next actions to take. “Given that the cost of the laptop has gone up since I bought it, I’m worried about unforeseen expenses. The guy said, “Has anyone here ever encountered a similar circumstance before?”

Since the article was published, it has gained a lot of attention, and many individuals have volunteered to provide the answers. Reddit user said, “If it’s Amazon, then probably he’ll get a refund without any mental pain, but if it’s Flipkart, then rip.” “Unboxing videos are so important, I opened my YouTube channel and posted all relevant unboxing for shoes, watches, a laptop, and other items,” remarked another. Why not post it if I’m unwrapping it?”





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