People are yearning for the same after a woman’s ‘too honest’ confession on her LinkedIn profile

Whether they have to do with surviving toxic workplaces or prior relationships, life often confronts us with events that leave us feeling regretful. Solving such problems might be a real difficulty. Despite the fact that not everyone is at ease sharing their regrets in public, a woman’s candid admission about her previous employer on LinkedIn has captured the attention of online users, encouraging others to embrace similar openness and honesty in their own lives. After a user noticed her remarkable candor and shared it with their Twitter group, her profile has now gone viral.

Vibin Babuurajan captured a snapshot of Shikha Gupta’s LinkedIn page, which listed a number of her professional experiences. Shikha was now employed at My Bliss Club and has previously worked in the creative teams at Swiggy and Slice. However, when she spoke about her job experience at the firm and said, “Made a mistake,” it was clear that she was disappointed with Slice. Just in case, I gave it a year to be sure. went on.” Vibin shared the screenshot in order to draw attention to this candor, describing it as “radical.”

People started responding to the article shortly after it was published, with one saying, “I also want to write like this about one company,” and another praising her for being so honest and adding, “I do appreciate the honesty though.” The ironic comment from a third person read, “Your profile is turning out to be a LinkedIn analyzer or LinkedIn spectator.”

As the tweet gained popularity, several people tried to identify the profile’s owner. Eventually, they got in touch with Shikha Gupta, the founder and CEO of My Bliss Club, who revealed that she was the “copy genius” behind the post. Shikha herself into the discussion and made the remark, “Haha. Thank you, I suppose. I received your tweet from around 6 individuals today. I feel both vulnerable and renowned.

It’s interesting to note that this wasn’t Shikha’s only open admission. She previously referred to her freelance writing career as “Took a break from advertising” when she switched from writing for advertising agencies to working with businesses. never came back.


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