The Incredible Dribbling Skills of This Airport Ground Crew Will Make You Smile

One of the most popular sports in the world is football. Regardless of occupation, football enthusiasts can be readily found anywhere on the globe. One such football fan’s video is now going viral. In the footage, ground crew personnel at the airport are seen raising a traffic cone that is left on the runway and finding a ball buried inside. The ball is then deftly dribbled by him before being loaded back within the traffic cone. When he finishes his brief but excellent football dribbling performance, he turns around to make sure no one is observing him. He immediately notices that someone is filming him from inside the aircraft.

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The moment the guy realizes that his acts were seen and appreciated by someone, he smiles. This undated video was posted on a well-liked Instagram account that focuses on football. The person who is proficient in football juggling and works as ground personnel is unknown. “He was SO happy someone saw; that was smooth!” was the only caption for this video.

“It made the guy smile, the cameraman smiled, it made us all smile,” was one of the most well-liked comments on the video. “The feeling you get when someone is watching and it turns out to be true, lol. Good skills though,” said another writer. “That smile was more precious than the move itself; impressive,” said one Instagram user. “It’s Harry Kane’s ball that went into space and a plane picked it up and he got it off the plane,” someone jokingly said.

Additionally, many asked football teams to identify and sign the man in the video, half-jokingly and half-sincerely. An Instagram user posted this plea, saying, “Chelsea FC scout spotted him; next Chelsea signing.” “Manchester United, please sign him,” said another.

Over 59 lakh people have liked this video. Given that airplane tarmacs are regarded as high-security locations, it is unknown how and why the ball ended up on the airport tarmac. A few individuals brought up the possibility that the guy would not be carrying out his task appropriately if he was playing with the ball while on duty. There were also rumors that the guy would lose his job as a result of this video. An Instagram user made this point by writing, “He is getting fired for this.” “Hope that wasn’t a 737 Max and he missed the fuselage crack while focusing on his football skills,” said another commenter.

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