The woman who wed a Victorian ghost now claims she divorced him via exorcism

There seem to be individuals out there who are driven to test the limits of odd. And Rocker Brocarde, a British singer-songwriter, receives the prize this time around. This 40-year-old artist made the decision to wed a “devilishly handsome” ghost from the Victorian period last year. She reports that on a stormy night, a military spirit by the name of Edwardo barged into her bedroom, and the two fell in love. They were married on Halloween after just five months of dating. Now, you could be mistaken if you believed that was the end of it all.

Since they were married, things have become worse. Brocarde related how Edwardo became Mr. Possessive after getting intoxicated on their honeymoon in Barry Island, Wales. Additionally, this phantom groom developed an odd obsession with Marilyn Monroe, a well-known American actress.

To add to the spookiness, Brocarde adds that Edwardo would disappear for days before returning smelling like Chanel No. 5, Marilyn Monroe’s distinctive fragrance. He became more irate when she attempted to establish certain limits. She made the decision to execute an exorcism in the same chapel where they exchanged vows.

The relationship had been a rollercoaster ride from the beginning, according to Brocarde, who spills the beans. Edwardo fluctuated between being scary and possessive one second and warm and impassioned the next. But the erratic behavior took a toll, and she became weary of being wed to an irrational ghost.

“There was no parting speech. I sought the assistance of a physical medium to help me set limits with Edwardo and attempt to tame him, but it didn’t work; instead, he became more hostile and violent and started to haunt me with the sound of a crying baby.

So, after a long and arduous procedure, Brocarde succeeded in banishing Edwardo from her life. She described the sensation of being liberated from his tormented soul as being as light as a feather. She believes she hasn’t sensed his presence or seen him since the exorcism. Life now seems happier and lighter because of the change in the atmosphere surrounding her. In order to commemorate the end of their peculiar relationship, she created a song titled “Just Another Anthem.”


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