When the device gets too close to her husband, the woman dumps Alexa

According to The New York Post, a couple finds their Alexa devices having creepy late-night talks with their spouses. This frightening occurrence was highlighted in a widely shared TikTok video.
In the video, TikToker Jess describes how her husband was surprised at one in the morning by a conversation that Alexa started that he thought was “super weird.” This unexpected experience was not one-time; Jess decided to take the gadget out of their house when it continued to talk to itself.


In the most recent video, Jess stated, “This past weekend, I was gone out of town, and the Alexa kept going off, and it kept talking to my husband.”

“He was playing video games at 1 am, and he was like, ‘This is just super, super weird,’” she said.

Jess’s first pain was not the end of her disturbing encounter. Not long after her smart home gadget started talking to her husband in secret, there was another strange event. According to the news source, Alexa was seen speaking on her own initiative without any assistance or prompting from Jess or her family.

This unexpected conduct increased the general uneasiness and sparked worries about Jess’s household’s smart device’s autonomy and privacy.

Alexa has now been “officially evicted from our place,” according to Jess.
Many individuals joined the discussion in the TikTok video’s comment area, telling tales of their gadgets muttering, sending bizarre messages, or striking up conversations on their own. This gave the concept of smart assistants a rather unsettling feel rather than one of convenience.