When ‘Titanic Fever’ Swells, A Video Of A Child Singing and Reenacting the Ship’s Drowning Scene Goes Viral

People who want their children to know about something or to appreciate particular things from the beginning often use the term “teach them young” in today’s society. The gatherings where fans of certain series bring their kids all dressed up in various cosplays are the most prevalent examples. It’s also not that uncommon today for parents to expose their children to particular programs in order to cultivate a young fanbase.

But what if the little one develops a romantic interest in one of the most well-liked films that paradoxically told the most gorgeous but horrible love story ever? Yes, Titanic is once again in the spotlight. Millions of people were moved to tears by the film alone, and they continue to be so whenever they revisit it, as they often do.

Even the ‘Jack and the floating wooden plank idea’ caused a rift on the internet, nay, across the whole globe as a result of the movie. The movie still dominates the headlines because various events keep occurring that are either connected to it or as a result of the debris that it has left at the bottom of the Atlantic. In essence, “Titanic fever” is unquestionably a thing.

Due to the aforementioned reason, a little fan who not only adored the ending scene but also memorized the ever-famous song has caught the fever this time. A recent Instagram post by the user “unlimited.voices” had an adorable little child acting out the drowning scenario from the trip. The kid’s performance of the song “Heart will go on” as the background soundtrack, however, served as the perfect finishing touch.

The singing started to go lower in tone as the child made the toy ship sink in his foot-deep inflatable tub. The attractiveness of the video with the caption “The Titanic obsession is way too real” has drawn a lot of attention. The voice goes away when the ship is sunk, a user with the name of “imanalele” said, pointing out the shifts in the child’s pitch. Meanwhile, “,” another user, said, “He peacefully drowned it.”

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