As of April 24, the cost of gasoline and diesel in Hyderabad, Delhi, Chennai, and Mumbai is unchanged

Prices for gasoline and diesel as of April 24, 2024: The cost of gas and fuel is steady today. Based on current gasoline prices in the nation’s largest cities, a litre of petrol costs Rs. 94.72 in Delhi, while a litre of diesel costs Rs. 89.62. In Hyderabad, a litre of petrol costs Rs. 107.41, while a litre of diesel costs Rs. 95.62. In Chennai, a litre of petrol costs Rs. 101.18, while a litre of diesel costs Rs. 94.33.

In Mumbai, a liter of petrol costs Rs. 104.21, while a litre of diesel continues to cost Rs. 94.27. Bangalore’s current rates for gasoline and diesel are Rs. 99.84 and Rs. 87.89, respectively, per liter and litre, respectively.

India imports most of its crude oil, which is used to make gasoline and diesel. So, the price of gasoline and diesel is influenced by crude prices. Domestic gasoline costs would still be impacted by other variables, too, such growing demand, government levies, rupee-dollar devaluation, and refinery concept ratio.

The gasoline costs shown below are payable at 6 am and are subject to change at any moment since the fuel companies adjust their pricing in response to changes in the price of crude oil.

City Gasoline Cost Per LitreDiesel Cost per litre:

Delhi Rupees: 94.72 Rupees: 87.62

Hyderabad Rupees: 107.41 rupees, 95.62

Chennai: 101.18 Rupees = 92.76

Mumbai: 99.84 Rs. 87.89

Bangalore: Rs. 104.21, Rs. 94.27

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