ITR Filing: Discover The Prices For The Services Offered By These Top 5 Online Platforms

The tax filing season is almost approaching, and taxpayers have a variety of options for submitting their income tax returns (ITR). Through its e-filing website, the Income Tax Department offers simple options for people to submit their taxes on their own. Taxpayers may also choose to get expert advice from a chartered accountant. Additionally, ITR filing services are also provided by independent online platforms including Clear, formerly known as ClearTax, Tax2Win, TaxBuddy, Quicko, myITReturn, etc.

While utilizing the income tax department’s electronic filing system is free, employing a chartered accountant or an online tax filing website will cost money. Therefore, before selecting a popular tax-filing site, taxpayers may wish to research the costs involved. The ITR filing procedure may be streamlined and effective for both individuals and corporations by using the best site.

Let’s investigate the fees for five popular tax portals:

Respective websites, as a source

Many of these websites used to provide free ITR-1 and ITR-4 filing services without professional assistance. However, they have now revised their strategy and now charge a filing fee for ITRs whether or not consumers choose help. Therefore, before moving through with their ITR file, people need to carefully evaluate the fees imposed by these third-party websites.

Verify the Plan You Are Buying: It is crucial to carefully review the services offered by a third-party website before deciding on a plan with them for income tax filing.

It’s important to understand that these fees are assessed whether or not a person has alternative sources of income. This implies that even if VDA is your only source of revenue and you don’t have a wage or interest income, you can still have to pay a hefty fee to use their services. Therefore, thoroughly consider the programs and fees offered by these websites before making a choice that best meets your unique economic situation.

A number of third-party websites are presently offering discounts for ITR filing services, so keep an eye out for them. Therefore, while utilizing a third-party platform to submit an income tax return (ITR), it is recommended to confirm one’s eligibility for any prospective savings. For example, EZTax and Clear provide discounts on a range of ITR filing packages. In a similar vein, Clear is providing a 50% discount on all of its expert-assisted ITR filing programs.

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