Ponds To Profits: How Growing Lotus Can Increase Farmers’ Income

The idol of Lord Shri Ram was consecrated on Monday, January 22, at Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s historic opening of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. PM Modi was seen carrying a lotus flower during the puja, which is the national flower of India and has great meaning in religious rituals. Because the nation hosts many religious activities all year long, there is always a need for lotuses, which makes growing lotuses a profitable endeavor for people looking for business prospects.

According to experts, the profit margin on lotus cultivation might be eight times higher than the initial expenditure. Interestingly, lotus farming is no longer limited to ponds since it can now be done on the ground with little initial outlay and high returns.

Growing lotuses is a pretty simple procedure for those who are interested in it. Lotus may be cultivated in a field, or if one is lucky enough to have access to a pond, they can use it. Using a mortar to level the earth after it has been ploughed and crumbled, lotus seeds are sown. In order to promote growth, the field has to be regularly irrigated for two months in order to provide the muck and moisture that lotus plants need for optimum development.

The benefit of growing lotuses is that you may harvest two harvests year. A second seeding in December produces blooms suitable for plucking by May, while a June sowing produces a crop ready for harvesting by October.

A lotus garden may have between 5,000 and 6,000 plants planted on an acre. The whole cost, including seeds and water, is between Rs. 25 and Rs. 30 thousand. When the blooms are fully grown, they may be sold in the market for around Rs 2 lakh per acre. This means that from an original investment of Rs. 25, 000, a sizeable profit of Rs. 2 lakh was made. In addition, farmers may increase their revenues by growing other crops in the same field as the lotus, such as Makhana and water chestnut.

Growing in popularity as a lucrative endeavor, lotus growing offers people a chance to earn handsomely from the national flower’s symbolic meaning in both culture and religion.

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