Ishita Dutta Recalls the Overwhelming Challenges of Raising a Colicky Baby

Ishita Dutta and her spouse Vatsal Seth are enjoying the lovely stage of motherhood. In July 2022, their son Vaayu was welcomed. Ishita, who often shares insights into this new chapter of her life on Instagram, recently spoke about the difficulties of raising a fussy child. The Bepanah Pyaar actress shared sweet memories of her everyday activities with Vaayu in a poignant post, including their walks, cuddling, and shared sleeps. In addition to highlighting their mother-son relationship, the piece gave readers an open window into what it’s really like to care for a baby.

“They say this is the best phase, so enjoy it while it lasts,” the Drishyam actress said. Those little hands and feet, that haphazard chuckle, those amusing expressions He is growing up much too quickly, and I will really miss this. Allow me to share with you what I will not be missing. Those restless evenings when I couldn’t stop him from sobbing for hours on end and had to watch him suffer. For all the mothers of colicky infants, this one is for you. You’re not alone, I want to reassure you, and I feel you. It was quite overwhelming, and even after spending a lot of time figuring out what was wrong, I was still unable to ease the agony. But I consoled him in this way. I gave birth to him exclusively, held him tight, and walked for hours till the agony subsided. I also gave him warm baths, stomach rubs, and held him up for at least half an hour after feeding.

Ishita Dutta said that her kid Vaayu often sought solace in resting on her as she proceeded to discuss her experience as a parent. She found that singing to him and going on car trips helped to calm him down when things became tough. Though acknowledging that the process of settling might take some time, Ishita emphasised the value of love and patience. After five months, she looked back and was relieved that her son was no longer sobbing all the time and that she could now see smiles on his face. She comforted other moms, telling them that while things may not go well at first, they would eventually get better.

Ishita Dutta offered some helpful advice in her caption, drawing on her own experience dealing with her infant’s colic. She used to nurse in addition to giving top feed at first, but later she only breastfed as the top feed wasn’t good for her baby’s health. Her infant eventually accepted breastfeeding at the age of three months, after trying a few different brands. Ishita also sought counsel from other moms who had experienced same difficulties, but she asserted that it’s important to try various approaches and trust one’s gut feelings since not all advise is effective for everyone. She even makes late-night hospital visits and advises people to get medical attention if they are unsure.

The actress said that her baby’s colic started to ease at around 12 or 14 weeks, but she also said that every kid develops at a different rate. She said that things have improved even if there have been rare bad days.

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