5 Typical Nutrition-Related Myths Debunked by an Expert

Do you find it difficult to make choices on what to eat, how much to eat, when to eat, and how much activity you should get each day? If so, remember that you are not alone and don’t give up. When presented with so many choices and possibilities, it may be difficult to decide what to do and which information to trust. Karishma Shah, a nutritionist, said, “Ever felt confused in the jungle of conflicting dietary advice? I will now dispel five persistent dietary fallacies that have confused us for far too long. The expert dispels five widespread dietary fallacies to help you on your path to weight reduction.


Myth 1: The enemy is carbs

Despite being often demonized, carbohydrates aren’t always harmful. A healthy diet must include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables since they are high in nutrients and fiber. The true offenders? refined carbohydrates with added sugar.

Myth 2: Consuming food after 8 p.m. results in weight gain

Have you heard that eating late makes you acquire weight? Ignore the timer! Your entire daily calorie intake and dietary selections are important. If your late-night snacks are balanced and within your calorie budget, they are OK.

Myth 3: Fat-Free Is Best Do not fall for this con! Products that are fat-free sometimes include more sugar and toxic ingredients. For essential tasks, your body yearns for healthy fats. Instead, choose organic foods like avocados and almonds.

Myth 4: Protein shakes instantly increase muscle mass

If only everything were that simple. Although protein drinks are an effective tool for muscle building and recovery, they won’t transform you into the Incredible Hulk over night. Exercise, a balanced diet, and constant effort are all necessary for building muscle.

Myth #5: Sugar Is Always Bad

Natural sugars found in fruits are a nutritious joy and are not all bad; the true villains are added sugars found in processed meals. Choose carefully!

Numerous fad diets, weight-reduction programs, and blatant scams promise a quick and easy weight loss. However, the cornerstone of a successful weight reduction program remains to be a balanced, calorie-restricted diet coupled with increased physical activity. For effective, long-term weight reduction, you must alter your food and lifestyle patterns permanently.

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